Transgender residents of Wisconsin sue the State for Medicaid coverage of gender confirmation treatments

As you may know, Medicaid is the US government health care safety net program for low-income Americans. While both the federal government and each state government contribute funds, the states make the decisions on allocation of those funds. Some states … Continue reading

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Persons as Producers: Why bioethics should be concerned with work culture and the structure of labor

Today, May 1, is known in the labor rights movement as May Day or International Workers’ Day. It celebrates the dignity of laboring humans and the right to be seen as and live as fully human. I want to use … Continue reading

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Individualization, Access, and Bias: ACOG issues new consensus call for improvements to maternal health care, but there are serious pitfalls to watch out for

I am struck by what health care disparities and the lived experiences of postpartum patients mean for implementation of the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology’s new guidelines on postpartum care. These guidelines valuably refocus the medical establishment’s focus on … Continue reading

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Intimacy Without Reciprocity: How Researchers Working With Transgender Humans Can Do Better

Editor’s Note: This blog comes to us from Sayer Johnson, who blogged for IJFAB Blog in the past on the issue of how clinicians respond to trans patients. Here, Mr. Johnson reaches a frustrated breaking point with the way that … Continue reading

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IJFAB Blog series: Responses to the Trump Administration’s policies on medical conscience claims

As you may have heard, the Trump Administration has announced an expanded policy on conscientious objection in medicine, with institutional support in the form of a Department of Health and Human Services office that will be responsible for protecting objectors. … Continue reading

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Keisha Ray makes an important analysis of black women’s maternal health disparities in the US

Over at, bioethicist Keisha Ray addresses the maternal health disparities experienced by black women, in particular. In her blog, “BLACK WOMEN ARE DYING IN DISPROPORTIONATE NUMBERS DURING AND AFTER GIVING BIRTH AND NOT EVEN CELEBRITY SERENA WILLIAMS IS SAFE” … Continue reading

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What does it mean that caring for the environment is seen as unmasculine?

As we know, the state of our environment has significant health effects and disruptions to climate are especially likely to harm the most vulnerable among us. This would seem to make it important for people to get behind conservation efforts. … Continue reading

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New assisted reproduction regulations require feminist voices

Editor’s Note: Today we have a special co-authored blog entry by four feminist reproductive justice advocates working on what is known in bioethics as ARTs (Assisted Reproductive Technologies) and other related tech.  Francine Coeytaux, MPH    Co-Director, Pro-Choice Alliance for Responsible Research … Continue reading

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IJFAB’s Pronoun Policy: Singular ‘they’ or gender-neutral forms such as ‘ze’ or ‘zir’… just be consistent within your paper

Editor’s Note: In the past year, IJFAB Blog has featured several blog entries on shifting pronoun usage not only in the English language but in the International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics itself.  IJFAB Editor Jackie Leach Scully brings us this reflection on IJFAB’s revised pronoun … Continue reading

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Fall 2017 issue of IJFAB is out, with special section Remembering Anne Donchin

If you have already received your paper copy of the new Fall 2017 issue of International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics (Vol 10 Iss 2), you will have noticed a new look. You may also have noticed that the journal’s international … Continue reading

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Bioethics, Family, and Summer School: Part 6 – The Final Day and the “good enough” family

Editor’s Note: This is part of a series of short blog posts about the bioethics summer school in Groningen, the Netherlands, which is focused on the role of family in the delivery and consumption of health care. Look for others … Continue reading

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Bioethics, Family and Summer School: Part 1 – Introducing Ben Kenofer

Hi there! As Dr. Jamie Nelson mentioned in her introduction post for this summer school liveblog series, my name is Ben Kenofer. I’m a graduate student in philosophy at Michigan State University, going into my fourth year this fall. When … Continue reading

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