“Why I Went To The Men’s Rights Conference”

From feminist journalist Kelsey Miller:

As a web writer and a feminist, I can’t avoid reading about the Men’s Rights Movement, nor the vitriolic and often violent discourse that’s risen up around it. In the years since it’s gained footing in mainstream consciousness, with representation in SNL sketches and parallels drawn to the Elliot Rodger shooting, the discussion around this movement has become even louder, angrier, and that much more confusing. What do these guys want exactly? Can they honestly believe men to be a trod-upon minority? Do they really think feminism is “an empire of evil?” The answers seemed both emphatic and convoluted, and I knew enough to know there must be more to the story. There was — but, if anything, it’s even sadder than we thought.

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This is a strange phenomenon. Find the whole article here.

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