Creating a Trans-Inclusive Feminism

IJfABster Tim R. Johnston has a review of Sheila Jeffreys’s new book, Gender Hurts: A Feminist Analysis of the Politics of Transgenderism. I quote from the conclusion:

We need a trans-inclusive feminism that recognises trans people as who they are, while also recognising that the experience of growing up cisgender can be discussed without disrespecting trans identities, and that it could at times be beneficial to have these discussions restricted to people that share this experience. When we abandon our attachment to either sex or gender identity we can more clearly see the experiences we share and let those experiences form the basis of a coalition.
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Gender Hurts is an ugly and divisive book. Because it lacks compelling arguments and evidence, I feel comfortable ignoring it and denying Jeffreys the attention she desires. Let’s treat the publication of this text not as a time to double-down in our familiar positions, but rather an opportunity to put tired and divisive rhetoric to rest.

Ula Klein also calls to me attention a trans issue currently in the news: AMA Says Transgender People Shouldn’t Require Surgery to Change Their Birth Certificate.

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